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Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2025
P-Froggys Wall Climbing EV
Bewertung: 10  bei  2 Stimmen
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Fame: 296StatistikStatistik, Downloads: 29823
Empfehlungen: 2x
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Englische Plugins Oblivion - Sonstiges - Other
Geschrieben von P-Froggy   
Name: P-Froggys Wall Climbing EV
Von/Created by: P-Froggy
Größe /Size: 22 KB (Omod Version 1,8 MB)
Downloads: 29823 downloads, Fame Score: 296
Abhängigkeiten/Dependencies: OBSE V13 or newer
Sprachversion/ game language: english
Oblivion Patchstufe /patch status: Patch v1.2.0416


This mod allows you to climb on walls and so you can get on buildings or walls. You learn to climb if you have an acrobatics-skill of 25 or higher.

I have tried to balance this mod as well as possible, therefore the climbing has a dynamic system:
How fast you can climb depends of your speed-Attribute and your acrobatics-skill. Your constitution determine the fatigue decrease.
To climb you have to stand in front of a wall and during you are in the air (jump or fall) you have to press the grab-key. But don't be in the always-run-modus.
If you press forward (standard: W) you can climb higher and forward, if you press backward (standard: S) you climb down and to climb sidewards you have to press the sidewards-keys (standard: A and D). Depending on your climbing direction your fatigue decrease is different. So you have the greatest decrease if you climb up.

The most difficult at climbing is to climb around cants. Always pay attention to point with your crosshair to the wall and that the distance to the wall won't be to great. If you climb on a roof, look down and have eye contact with the wall.

Of course the best climber sometimes fall, too. This happens if you don't look towards the wall, you have not any fatigue, your weapon is out, hold a torch, cast a spell, are blocking or change into the always-run-modus.


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