"Where the birth is given to mightiest brew,
before it burns hoof and pelt of bear and steed,
its first blaze is bit by the deer,
Three dragons spit the mighty brew,
from deepest mould they fed,
their dwell their master rules,
from his Dein the fire spreads."
Dovahkriid - Grenzganger adds one quest, not beatable with a good sword or a fine spell, and up to seven fully voice-acted companions to enable a "party of three" play for your neverending adventures in Skyrim.
~ Quest Start ~
The best beginning for its quest is the moment, when the guards of Whiterun assume for the
first time, that you are maybe someone who is a "Dovahkiin".
Now visit Falkreath, and talk to the local merchants.
But any other moment will be fine as well (as Dovahkiin or becoming).
Please, do not load Dovahkriid - Grenzganger if
- you depend on quest-markers,
- do not like riddle quests
- do not like to play in a party or
- do not want to read the Readme
but if you maybe know and liked quest like this, then this could be something for you as well.
Version 1.5 fixes glitches with Malkath and Vangard as well as some minor dialog glitches.